Quantitative Mucus Plug Assessment (QMPA)
Mucus Plugs are in the Spotlight
New research findings on the role of mucus in COPD and asthma patients have put a spotlight on mucus plugging. Studies have found 25-57%1-3 of those with COPD have mucus plugs. For asthma, plugs occur in about 58% of patients4. Plugs are now understood to be clinically meaningful--an independent factor in outcomes, including mortality5.
The ability to quantitatively measure mucus plugs has become increasingly important, especially for pharmaceutical companies needing to measure a therapy's impact on mucus. The "pioneering study" presented at ERS22 is one recent example of this trend.
Measuring Mucus Plugs Has Been Expensive and Time Consuming Unfortunately, conventional means of mucus scoring are exceptionally slow and costly. As one can imagine, a manual visual review of 558-1,334 airways is tedious, time consuming, and expensive to include as a clinical trial endpoint.
VIDA's Approach
VIDA has built a custom, semi-automated, AI-driven mucus scoring workflow to make mucus assessment feasible. For pharmaceutical vendors considering the addition of mucus scoring in their trials, VIDA enables a cost-effective path to include this powerful biomarker.

Get the White Paper 👆
In this white paper, we provide a physiological overview of mucus plugging (especially in relation to asthma and COPD), challenges with assessing mucus burden, new scoring approaches that have emerged, and VIDA’s novel approach to streamlining the quantification of mucus plugs for clinical trials.
[1] 5 - Okajima Y, Come CE, Nardelli P, et al. Luminal Plugging on Chest CT Scan: Association With Lu ng Function, Quality of Life, and COPD Clinical Phenotypes. Chest. 2020;158(1):121-130. doi:10.1016/j.chest.2019.12.046
[2]Kim V, Dolliver WR, Nath HP, et al. Mucus plugging on computed tomography and chronic bronchitis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respiratory Research. 2021;22(1):110. doi:10.1186/s12931-021-01712-0
[3] Dunican EM, Elicker BM, Henry T, et al. Mucus Plugs and Emphysema in the Pathophysiology of Airflow Obstruction and Hypoxemia i n Smokers. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021;203(8):957-968. doi:10.1164/rccm.202006-2248OC
[4] Dunican EM, Elicker BM, Gierada DS, et al. Mucus plugs in patients with asthma linked to eosinophilia and airflow obstruction. J Clin Invest. 2018. 128(3):997-1009. doi:10.1172/JCI95693
[5] Okajima Y, Come C, Nardelli P, et al. Mucus plugging on CT and mortality in smokers. European Respiratory Journal. 2019;54(suppl 63). doi:10.1183/13993003.congress-2019.OA1917